SMTC reserve chiefs graduate Navy boarding course On July 8, Coast Guard Special Missions Training Center’s Patrol Forces Southwest Asia pre-deployment training instructors, Chief Rocky Correll and Chief Brad Day, graduated from the Navy’s Non-Compliant Boarding– Visit, Board, Search & Seize course. The chiefs were the first Coast Guard Reserve members to attend the rigorous three-week course held at the Center for Security Forces Detachment in Chesapeake, Va. NCB VBSS is a specialized training course that prepares members to execute the VBSS mission around the world. As the nation's maritime strategy adjusts to emerging threats, the training elements that support this strategy must also adjust. VBSS teams are designed to intercept targeted personnel or material, detain and divert enemy vessels, combat terrorism, piracy and smuggling, enforce U.N. Security Council resolutions, and conduct inspections. Throughout the course, students were grouped into tactical teams and were required to participate in a variety of full mission, situational training exercises while equipped with weapons and complete tactical kit under real-world conditions. Teams included leader and subordinate leader roles throughout the course in order to refine leadership, planning and operational skills. The three-week course comprised several go/no-go evaluations: water survival, hook and climb phase, small arms combat marksmanship, close quarters combat and daily physical control techniques. This rigorous training contributed to a high attrition rate; out of 17 students, only eight graduated. The instructor staff has 17 reservists on title 10 orders, but it doubled in October with PATFORSWA’s transition to the new fast response cutters. This increase in staff will facilitate training for all PATFORSWA cutters, shoreside, and maritime Chief Rocky Correll and Chief Brad Day hold their completion certificates after graduating from the Navy’s Non-Compliant Boarding–Visit, Board, Search & Seizure course. The chiefs were the first Coast Guard Reserve members to attend the rigorous three-week course held at the Center for Security Forces Detachment in Chesapeake, Va. engagement teams, and the phased increase of crew as the new cutters report in to the CENTCOM theater of operations. The PDT instructor staff goes through a comprehensive pre- screening interview process that includes a review of the member’s career history, enlisted evaluations, qualifications and assigned competencies; the final phase is a phone interview. To join SMTC’s PDT instructor program, check Direct Access; vacancies are advertised throughout the year. Houston reservist's company wins ESGR Freedom Award The Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award is the highest recognition given by the government to employers for their support of their employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve. The award was created to publicly recognize employers who provide exceptional support to their Guard and Reserve employees. It is the highest in a series of employer recognition awards given by the Department of Defense. More than 2,400 nominations were submitted for the 2019 Freedom Award and Sector Houston-Galveston’s reserve command master chief, Master Chief Petty Officer Lonnie Evans’s nomination of Chevron was one of the 15 selected award recipients. The awards ceremony was attended by Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Adm. Daniel Abel and Assistant Commandant for Reserve Rear Adm. Todd Wiemers. “It is an honor to recognize these 15 exemplary civilian employers,” said Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan. “The strength of our military and the success of our defense strategy depends on the readiness of our National Guard and Reserve members. These dedicated citizen warriors could not accomplish their missions without employers who understand and support their military service. We are grateful to these organizations for their role in keeping our nation safe and for setting the standard for all employers of Guard and Reserve members.” 18 RESERVIST � Issue 2 • 2019 Sector Houston-Galveston’s reserve command master chief, Master Chief Petty Officer Lonnie Evans,and his wife Melissa, with Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Adm. Daniel Abel, Assistant Commandant for Reserve Rear Adm. Todd Wiemers and Dave Payne and Angela Barrow from Chevron. Sector Houston-Galveston’s response partner, the Houston Police Department was also selected as a 2019 Freedom Award recipient.